Bok Choy Cabbage


Bok Choy Cabbage, also known as 'Chinese Cabbage', bok choy is an ideal plant for the North American climate as it can be planted at cooler temperatures.


Also known as 'Chinese Cabbage', bok choy is an ideal plant for the North American climate as it can be planted at cooler temperatures.


When: Start indoors prior to last frost or plant after last seasonal frost. Part shade is best as 6-8 hours of sunlight is all that it needs.


Planting Directions: Sow no deeper than 1/2" below the soil surface, 2"-3" apart in rows about 10" apart.


Harvest: Leaves can be trimmed as is grows, but is at full maturity at about 25-30 days.


Friendly Neighbours: cucumbers, kale, mint, bush beans, beets, potatoes, sage and spinach.


Water: Needs to be just right - damp well drained soil is what it thrives in.


Boy Choy is a nice addition to many soups and stirfrys.


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